Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ubuntu re-do

When buying a new computer for most people the choice is apple or microsoft for the operating system- but not for long. Ubuntu is coming closer and closer with every new release to make a product that is truly user friendly and can be accepted by the masses. Apparently they're trying to make their OS appealing not by the code but by looks. With gutsy gibbon releasing on thursday with 3d graphics that are comprable to vista and osx, they're getting closer. This article explains Ubuntu's aims to move towards hand-held computers and and OS that has generally better graphics to appeal to those who don't see the technological benefits of using a linux OS.

I'm not sure what the new OS has that can't already be done, but I bet it's similar to the beryl option that can be downloaded to any Ubuntu version (pictured at left). After working very closely with Ubuntu last summer, I still don't think it's ready to be labeled as "user friendly". You can read in my lab blog all the trouble I had configuring it to work on a network. I had to research heaps of unix command lines to make it work the way I wanted it to. Your average person won't put that much time into configuring their OS. Though the benefit of a linux OS is that it's completely custom. Windows/Apple have a lot of generic configurations that work well for most people but there might be something that doesn't work exactly the way you want it, while ubuntu is a lot harder to set up in the beginning but in the end it fits like a glove. Perhaps with a few releases into the future Ubuntu will get it right... I hope with it though, they don't lose the customization options that Linux users have come accustomed too, it's a tricky balance.

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