Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Fake Steve Jobs

While I have a link to it in my blogroll, this blog deserves its own post. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs is written by my favorite forbes writer, Daniel Lyons and like his forbes articles- it's HILARIOUS.
So please, please, please look at his blog if you get a chance, might I suggest starting with Today's AOL layoffs: Complete list here because I haven't laughed out loud like that over an article in a long time. Daniel also has a much anticipated book coming out, Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, a Parody hilarious, can't wait.

1 comment:

lindsayl00 said...

Oh MY FRIGGIN GOODNESS...that is hilarious. What a funny guy! The archives link on the profile page is a trip! Holy snap...have you read the one with the conversation btw jobs and gore? Hilarious.