Monday, October 15, 2007

Net Neutrality

Alright.. well.. I'm not sure if you know what's going on, ok, before reading any more.. watch the youtube video..

Now that we're all caught up to speed, wtf?! There are companies trying to limit what we can access on the internet! I guess we could all see something like this coming. Remember the days when downloading music from napster and morpheus was a joke; frankly you were stupid not to take advantage of it. The internet always leaves me with this "too good to be true" feeling, and it seems that's exactly what some companies think it is. I don't want it to come to a point when we all sit back on our rocking chairs as old farts reminiscing about the good old days. I'll think back with a twinkle in my eye to when the web was as vast and free as the air we breathe and I'll curse the man for what it's become! Perhaps if we all come together in true democratic fashion we can squash the industry's aim to squeeze every last cent out of us (or in some cases completely limit us) so go to

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