Tuesday, November 18, 2008

OLPC - right?

I came across an article today about OLPC resuming their "get one give one" project through amazon.com. A few thoughts immediately came to my mind. The first being that I'm not sure how many people will actually be into this idea, I don't think your average joe (the plumber) has $200 just lying around, especially in this economy, to give away- but maybe they do. The second is whatever happened to the $100 laptop project? Are they giving up on this? When I went to a google info session at my school to hear about google's jobs and projects and everything the woman giving the talk mentioned the "$100 laptop project" and explained it. I wasn't going to be "that girl" who obnoxiously raised her hand and said "umm wait a minute, don't you mean the one laptop per child project" but it was definitely on my mind. If this google rep is going to toot google's horn about all their great projects and everything, don't highlight the company's inability to reach their initial goal to well-informed students (ahem). I'm not saying that I think that the project is a huge failure or anything, I LOVE the project. I'm just saying- it's double the price that they initially thought it was going to be.

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