Thursday, June 26, 2008

uhhhhhhhhh really?

So I guess Bill Gates is leaving microsoft many resources say (here too). So he's leaving to apparently focus on "philanthropic work" details found here. When I make that much money as a famous whatever I'm going to be, after 30 years of work I'll move onto "philanthropic" work too aka sipping lemonade on a beach, because I'm pretty sure that's all it means. Well, I guess he deserves it, creating a software empire and all.. It's hard to just ... replace someone like Mr.Gates. I'm sure they'll find someone, I mean what does he do these days anyway? He's not exactly writing code like he used to. He's like the Queen of England, going to conventions and such, representing the company while not really doing anything, right? I'd like to think so..


Katie K said...

hey perfect!! You were looking for a job before right??? ;)

lindsayl00 said...

Dude, Ballmer's been CEO since 2000.

Shilton said...

when you're right.. you're right.