Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Iphone, Apple tablet and gPhone - oh my!

Lately I've really been thinking about getting an iphone. I know, I know.. how cliche. I need a new phone when I get back to the states, and I need a new ipod (my mini from 4 years ago keeps shutting off for no reason and won't hold a charge). So why not combine them into one device? And I'm not going to pretend that I don't love the idea of having my email with me at all times, as well as a web browser and all the other cool things that the iphone has to offer. Alas, I have a dilemma. If I get a iphone when I get back to the states, will I be kicking myself in 8 months (or so) when google releases its gphone? I would HAAAAATE myself if I bought an iphone and then google comes along with this bad ass product that would be more practical and .. well just cooler. Google's cool factor will push the gphone to be ten times more popular than the iphone. Also, they say that the gphone isn't going to be just a phone but a collection of companies and services.

Earlier this week FSJ ranted about how he thought that google was coping out because they couldn't develop a phone on their own. While I know FSJ is a satirical blog, I thought this idea was a bit true. Why doesn't google just produce a phone on their own, I mean they have the money and everything. Then my buddy lindsay said that she thought it was a good move for google, as a sort of open-source thing. She knows me too well- I do love open source. This could be a really good thing. Forbes.com tv thing says that google is working with over 35 companies to develop not just one phone but the potential for thousands of phones with a common service of third party applications on a linux operating system. Wow- why wouldn't I like this? Open source software, open source OS, not to mention it will all probably be free (as in free beer).

OK, shift gears. Hey Apple, why haven't you told me about your idea to make a tablet? I'm a little hurt by this, I thought I would be the first one you would tell. I think that apple will be the company to make an AMAZING tablet. Tablets are such a good idea but the models out thus far are still lacking. I think that if there's one company that can make tablets easy to use, marketable and trendy it's apple. Good on ya, now keep me in the loop.

1 comment:

lindsayl00 said...

Oh my! I have been referenced by the technocrat! Dang, I feel so known. :)

Keep up the blogging, Steph. Good on ya.