Friday, October 19, 2007

Comcast is smart-assed

Damn you comcast! This is the first account that I've heard towards measures to block bittorrent traffic. I always thought that bittorrent would be the hardest of the peer-to-peer networks to stop because it's entirely web based. Programs like napster were easy to shut down because it was one concentrated network that had a centralized base that could be destroyed. Bittorrent is different because there's not one website that has all the bittorrent files, they're literally all over the web- much harder to track down. Alas, comcast seems to be doing a good job of targeting the traffic and shutting it down. As I said in my net neutrality post, I'm afraid that we will look back at the web as we know with a sour taste because of how limited we will be in the future. Until then my friends, take advantage.

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