Friday, March 26, 2010

The Google Nexus One

So where does this love story begin? It all started one say when I ran into some friends on a street corner. We almost literally ran into each other (but if you know anything about me and my walking pace you’d know that would never happen).. and they asked me for a good place they could grab a bite to eat since I work only a block away. I said oh you can go here or there or whatever and 2 of the 3 girls picked up their smart phones and in seconds had a list of every place within a certain radius. I picked up my phone too as a joke and made some reference about how it might as well be an analog display, maybe a sundial or some other smoke-signal type device. At that moment I realized I was behind the technological curve and that is no place for a technocrat.

Then a few days later I was hanging out with some friends and one had the Google Nexus One and I was all "ohh" and "ahh" because I <3 google and anything it touches and I <3 gadgets so I said "I'm going to buy one of those TOMORROW" in my emphatic way - and I did. I was literally shaking when the doorbell rang as I sprinted down the stairs to receive my new toy. I ripped open the box and popped my sim card in. It worked perfectly and I couldn't be happier.

Now I'm excited to keep this blog going to talk about how the phone is changing my life. I don't mean that in the drama-queen kinda of way.. I mean it in the literal, sociological movement that we as a people are experiencing. The ability to have the world in your hand is amazing. It's amazingly powerful and also at time it can be amazingly scary. I want to talk about the good, the bad and the weird. Let's do it..

1 comment:

Joybells said...

Hey girl. I'm wondering how this phone has changed your life. I've got a new-phone crush on the HTC Incredible, but I haven't yet pulled the trigger since it requires the $30/month data plan. I've never had a smart phone before, so I'm wondering if it will really improve the quality of my life, the way the GPS in my car has, or whether it's just more of a "WOW!" to show off to friends. Please enlighten me!