Friday, May 23, 2008

getting back on the horse

After a long hiatus I'm getting back on the horse of blogging. I know they're all excuses but I've been terribly busy with finals and moving etc. but I'm back. Update on my life: I've moved into summer and my summer job, working at the Haverford CS department. I will be working with another student on the transitive closure problem for directed acyclic graphs in mathematica. My main job (right now anyway) is trying to develop a UI to represent and manipulate a visual representation of the problem in a graph where the user can manipulate the nodes and edges and recalculate the function in (hopefully) linear time. I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this right now, but I am. I'll link up some sort of lab blog sometime soon where I talk about what I'm doing for all my adoring fans/readers. Also, I'd like to develop some sort of summer project with the blog, any suggestions? Something along the lines of my photo project from Sydney. Maybe some kind of video project, since I got a video camera for my birthday. Lindsay, Katie K, I'm lookin for you two to give me suggestions, PLEASE. PS: I hope you'll continue to read this. Ok, I should get back to "work" so farewell for now!


Katie K said...

ha i love that i have no idea what any of your work explanation means. but video project perhaps? i'm intrigued...

lindsayl00 said...

HEYYYYY....yess, I'm back myself. I figure now that finals and graduation are over, I too should begin digging into tech news again. I miss it, but it's weird how many other hobbies I have developed along the way that dont require so much reading (wine, being one of them, and don't judge's purely educational. I'm going to see if I know more than Isabelle now on French wines. Not really, of course).

H'okay, anyway, I'll be glad to hear your own opinions this summer. As for your project, I would love to see your videos over the summer. Can you mix music?? Having that over the videdos would be sweet too.

Your job does sound very much over my head. Looking forward to hearing more about it!