Monday, October 29, 2007

Money Monday

Sorry this list is a bit short, I have no excuses..

FSJ on a meeting in LA: "There's no real agenda. Maybe some hatha yoga and wheatgrass smoothies followed by some meditation or primal scream therapy. We'll play it by ear."

FSJ on IBM: "Unlike IBM, which used its monopoly and market power to abuse customers, we at Apple are using our monopoly and market power to make the world a better place."

FSJ on their earnings: "Apple faithful, I know what you're thinking, and please, you're embarrassing me. My office is already piled high with flowers that started arriving this afternoon and never stopped"

From Valleywag: "If Barack Obama's intern has been using the campaign account to troll for hotties, Facebook employees know."

FSJ on facebook snoops: "Heck, we've been reading people's .Mac mail since day one. We've got a kind of primitive search algorithm that crawls around looking for sappy love letters or cheating spouses, stuff like that, and we keep them in an archive."

Sarah Mackin on riding on her motorbike in vietnam: "It's like real life frogger, only the stakes are REAL"

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