Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Microsoft backs

I didn't really want to write about this topic, but it seems everywhere I look there are articles after articles after articles about how microsoft (or as FSJ politely names "the borg") nailed a deal with facebook for a $240 million piece of their $15 billion company. From what I can tell they want to be the ones who control the advertisements that facebook users will enjoy in the next few years. I don't know if I'm happy about this deal or not.. I mean, good on ya Mark for one heck of a company you've made, seems Harvard isn't just a name. As an avid facebook user myself, I really really hope that they don't bombard our pages to resemble the tacky pages of myspace. I don't want to see flash banners stuffing up the site or any general ads that have nothing to do with me. I guess it's a good move on the microsoft's side to try to regain some sort of attachment to our generation, one that is almost wholeheartedly engrossed with the apple company. Though I think I would have preferred that google man up and make an acceptable offer to the social networking site. Think of the possibilities google, you hip little giant- being where the hipsters are.. That could have been amazing! There is a wall post about I don't know, what movie so-and-so is going to that night and to the right are some non-offensive ads about movie times etc. That would have been nice. Oh well.. so much for dreaming. I guess there's no stopping the microsoft/facebook team to revolutionize the way we think of advertisements, perhaps something good will come of this for everyone... let's see

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