Sunday, October 14, 2007

Could this really be something?

Alright, if you know me at all I'm sure you've heard me talk about the "paper thin battery" and this is where it came from. If this revolutionary finding is real then we're in for some AMAZING things! The combination with the super small battery and MIT's development of wireless electricity could really change the way we use electronics. You remember when you were a kid listing to one of your parents telling you that they didn't have TV when they were young and having your jaw hit the floor? I feel like our generation is going to have a similar situation with this wireless electricity, "When I was a kid we had to plug the TV into an outlet and the TV was a cube that you put in an entertainment center near the power source!!"

With the wireless electricity, or "wiTricity" we don't need huge batteries the way we do now. If there's pretty much always a power source floating around, we may only need a little bit to keep us going through the times when the wiTricity isn't available or a power outage etc. Think about how small laptops and cell phones are going to be! Also perhaps we won't have the same woes that we have now with batteries harming the environment in landfills, maybe they'll be a more permanent fixture in our electronics as opposed to a disposable nuisance that looses its juice too quick.

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